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Why would we decide to use Baya Trove Hotel?

Relating to hotel operations and in particular the guest area furniture and furnishings, you may have identified a need to improve and solve several issues concerning ineffective workflow, and/or reached a point where you need to make a choice: to carry on as you are today or be proactive in improving efficiency and the access to your information.

Baya Trove Hotel presents a combination of software and services that while addressing the above, would also allow you to do things that you can’t do today, and things that you may do today more quickly.

It is possible to consider alternative solutions, but in brief;

  • It would require significantly more resource in terms of time and money to develop a similar custom in-house system
  • Other asset management systems would require significant modification to fulfil the specific requirement (also see the first point regarding resources)
  • Baya Trove Hotel can be deployed and the first location audited within weeks
  • Baya Trove Hotel is already operational (processes and procedures proven and tested)
  • Baya Dynamics offers flexible purchasing options

Baya Trove Hotel is easy to use and deploy;

  • Can be installed and run on existing hardware
  • Hosted and/or locally installed system utilises the latest Microsoft technologies (.net, SQL Server)
  • Universal and secure web browser based user interface (Silverlight)
  • Has the capability to link into and share data with existing systems
  • Existing data and information can be parsed into Baya Trove Hotel
  • Has a flexible back end which can be configured to need and a prescriptive simple to use user interface


Longer term, our route map includes modules and functionality relating to onsite maintenance, project development and specification.